Hanxi Brings Significant Contributions and Expertise to the P&G Alumni Network Board and the Community

Extensive Network: Hanxi possesses an extensive network in both the US and Asia business worlds due to her investment work. Her regular interactions with founders, senior executives, and investors enable her to bring sponsors and influential speakers to P&G events, enhancing networking and learning opportunities for alumni.

Strengthening Connections: Hanxi is committed to strengthening the connection between the China alumni network and the global network. She envisions hosting a global conference in China, providing Chinese alumni with the opportunity to contribute through sponsored auctions for the Global Foundation. This initiative not only promotes engagement but also showcases the vibrant Chinese alumni community.

Sharing Best Practices: Based in Shanghai and frequently traveling worldwide, Hanxi plans to meet with chapter chairs in different regions. Through these interactions, she aims to exchange ideas with other chapters and share the best practices implemented by the China alumni network. This collaborative approach fosters continuous improvement and mutual support among chapters.

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